Thursday, July 30, 2009

Alfa Insurance touches a nerve

AdRants today pointed me to a fun new commercial for an insurance company that exploits the frustration we often feel when attempting to extract payment from an insurer.

The insurance industry certainly has created the conditions where this type of appeal has resonance. It's actually surprising more brands aren't exploiting the status quo.

Do you think Alfa Insurance touches a nerve? Do you believe they'd be any different when you need to file a claim?

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing the spot, John. I've not personally had a bad experience with a car insurer, so it doesn't touch a nerve for me, but I sure would love to see how this would translate to health insurance and the horrific experience of trying to get even the most basic information or God forbid, resolve disputed coverage. The insurance industry in general has to be about the bottom of the customer experience barrel.

    I wonder if the large phallic object on the woman's desk is intentional?
